To change the modem configuration, use the Modem menu. Changes are saved in the Modem Maker Preferences file which should be in the current directory. If the file is not found, a new Prefs file will be created.
Type in the commands you want to send to the modem with a return after each line. Then press Command-Key-R or Run from the Special menu to run your modem script. Modem Maker waits after each line in the script for the modem to respond. If the modem does not respond to one of your commands, Modem Maker will alert you to the fact.
Building Applications, HyperCard XCMD's, and INITs:
Choose the appropriate command from the Special menu.
INITS must be in the System Folder for them to run at startup. Just save them directly into the System Folder or drop them in the folder and reboot. To disactivate INITS, drag them out of the System Folder.
Remember to check the About Box for more information. Choose the About ModemMaker... from the Apple menu and after several seconds it will display more information.
Remember to press return after each line and especially the last line.
If you can combine commands on one line, it will execute faster.
For example:
AT M0 l0 dt 555-5555
is preferable to:
At m0
at l0
atdt 555-5555
Thanks for purchasing Modem Maker,
Adam Stein
I'm available on the following electronic services:
Compuserve : 71140,2051
America Online: AdamStein
CONNECT : AdamStein
Adam Stein
126 Calvert Ave. E.
Edison, NJ 08820
This is freeware but please register by sending me a note about yourself and how you are using this program. (I’m looking for recommendation letters for college and this would really be a great help. Thanks.)
Include your address and electronic addresses so that I can contact you about future products.